Monday, February 26, 2018

IMPORTANT - Parking on Netherford Road and Naylon Street

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Local Neighbours and Parking on Netherford Road and Naylon Street

School arrival and dismissal is always a busy part of the school day with buses, taxis, and cars dropping off or picking up students and I recognize that parking at Gibson is difficult. 

Having received recent concerns from our neighbours on Netherford Road, Gibson families parking on Netherford Road and Naylon Street are reminded to adhere to the municipality laws and not park in any “No Parking” areas or block driveways or cross walks.  It is also extremely important that we be respectful of our school neighbours and their property at all times.  It appears that parents are parking, or making u-turns, onto our neighbours’ lawns resulting in damage to their property.  When stopping along either side of Netherford Road, please be respectful of our community and avoid pulling over or onto neighbouring lawns.

In order to alleviate some of the parking congestion during these times, I would like to suggest and remind parents to use school bus transportation if your child qualifies; or have your child walk or bike to school. 

Thank you for your support in respecting our school community.


Claudia Fischer

Friday, February 09, 2018

Family Potluck Evening - February 15, 2018 - 6:30 pm at Maple High School

REMINDER - Don't forget to send in your RSVP form if you are planning to attend..... 

Joseph A. Gibson's 
Family Potluck - February 15, 2018
6:30-8:30 p.m. 
Maple High School 

We invite students and their immediate families to celebrate our diverse cultural community and to share in the positive spirit with a Family Potluck on Thursday February 15, 2018, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the cafetorium at Maple High School.

Bring in your favourite cultural dish to share, indicating all the ingredients (to inform those with food allergies). Please remember, no nuts or nut products are to be used in preparing the dish.  If you are planning to attend, you must sent in your RSVP form as soon as possible. Copies of the forms can be picked up in the office or in the Parent Information Centre located in the front lobby.

 All children must be accompanied by their parent.

                                     Look forward to seeing you there!

Lice Check on February 14, 2018

        February 9, 2018

        Dear Parents/Guardians,

Head lice are common in school-aged children. They are not considered to be a communicable disease and do not cause illness, however they are a nuisance and can spread easily.  Anyone can get them and we encourage parents to regularly check your child’s head for lice.

Next week, we have arranged to have Nurse Shelley (an approved YRDSB Lice Check provider) come to the school to check all our students for lice on Wednesday, February 14th, 2018.

If you have any questions or concerns or would like more information, please contact the office.


Claudia Fischer

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Gibson's Annual Family Potluck - Feb. 15th at Maple High School

Joseph A. Gibson's 
Family Potluck - February 15, 2018
6:30-8:30 p.m. 
Maple High School 

We invite students and their immediate families to celebrate our diverse cultural community and to share in the positive spirit with a Family Potluck on Thursday February 15, 2018, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the cafetorium at Maple High School.

Bring in your favourite cultural dish to share, indicating all the ingredients (to inform those with food allergies). Please remember, no nuts or nut products are to be used in preparing the dish.

Paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins and assorted beverages will be provided. All children must be accompanied by their parent.

Forms were sent home this week for families to RSVP with their favourite dish.  Forms are also available in the Parent Information Centre located in the front lobby.

                    Come out for a fun event for all!

February 2018 Newsletter

Please click the following for the February Newsletter.