Saturday, May 21, 2016


French Immersion Orientation Evening Highlights

     Program Overview:
          Designed for students whose first language is not French
          In French Immersion, students learn French and also learn IN French.
          All subjects are taught in French as it is important that they acquire strong  French oral skills in order to learn to read, write and learn science, math, etc. in French.
          For the first few months of Grade 1, the children do not acquire skills identical to those learned by children in an English program as the focus is on building French literacy skills to support their learning in French.
          A blend of English and French is part of regular instruction from September to January
          In January, all instruction; teacher/student conversation and learning is only in French and students are expected to be able to express themselves in French
          Classes taught by teachers trained in second language instruction
          Grade 1-3: program is taught entirely in French

          Grade 4-8:  50% English instruction begins; Math taught in English

     First Few Months in French Immersion:
          The first month may be challenging and your child will experience some frustration.
          Monitor how your child is feeling about class and learning French.  Is he/she happy, sad, finding the program difficult?
          Speak regularly with the homeroom teacher to discuss your child’s progress
          Contact the teacher if you have any concerns.

          Joseph A. Gibson is a dual track French Immersion school housing only Grade 1 French Immersion students
          All Gr. 1 FI students will go to Julliard PS for Grade 2 to 8 French Immersion
          There are currently 4 Grade 1 French Immersion classes for September, 2016.

          Ensure that your child attends daily and punctually
          Avoid extended absences as this will greatly impact French language acquisition
          PLEASE CALL the school before 8:30 am to report that your child’s late or absence
          YRDSB Safe Arrival Program Procedure instructs that we must contact the POLICE if we are unable to confirm a child’s absence.
          To assist parents, there is an answering machine to record messages of lates and absences any time.

     Schedule of the Day:
          8:30 am – 3:00 pm
          Recess: 10:10 am – 10:40 am
          Lunch:  12:20 pm – 1:20 pm
          Supervision of students in the morning starts at 8:15 am and finishes at the end of the day at 3:15 pm

          French agendas will be on sale for all students in September
          Class communication from teachers may come in the form of Classroom Blogs, newsletters, phone calls or notes in the agenda
          School communication is through email blasts, monthly newsletters, letters, Welcome screen in the front hall, school website.

          Buses and stops are assigned by the Board’s central office
          Make sure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information.
          Check web site in August to see where your child’s bus stop will be. 
          Be at the stop 5-10 minutes before pick-up time
          Plan to attend the Bus Rider Safety Program in August
          Do not drive your child to school if at all possible. This creates an unsafe situation in front of the school and the safety of all our students is of the utmost importance.

Final Reminders:
          Ensure your child attends school punctually and every day.
          Monitor your child’s daily homework activities.
          Be involved by showing interest in your child’s new vocabulary, structures, songs and learn with your child.
          Review your child’s daily communication book and check your child’s bag nightly for handouts, notes and/or homework.
          Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher, regarding your child’s progress, especially in the first couple of months.
          Read to your child in your first language and in English; and talk about it together.
          Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities.
          Teach your child to accept responsibility for his/her actions.
          Ensure your child has indoor and outdoor shoes (Velcro shoes are best if your child is unable to tie their own shoes).
          Include a change of clothes in their backpack.
          Participate in school events and/or join our School Council.
          Volunteer at the school OR become a School Lunch Assistant

French Links:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Painting at Joseph A. Gibson P.S.

May 10, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Re: Scheduled Painting

Please be advised that our school is scheduled to have painting take place in the
near future. The painting of selected areas within the school has been tentatively scheduled to start on Monday, May 16, 2016 and will take a few weeks to complete.

The areas which will be painted are as follows:

  • Second floor hallway
  • First floor hallway
  • Front entrance

The paint used by the York Region District School Board is a water based (latex)
product. Individuals that are not hypersensitive to latex paint should suffer no ill
effects. Manufacturer Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) will be on site for your

Please contact the school if you require further information at (905) 832-1291.


Claudia Fischer