Sunday, October 16, 2016


It’s time to remind children about being safe in our community.

It’s a good time for parents to remind children about personal safety. 

Here's what children need to know:

  • Their name, age, telephone number, address, city and province.  This can be done through rhyme or song.
  • How to contact their parents at any time, by memorizing cell or work numbers.
  • How and under what circumstances to call 911.
  • To never approach or enter a stranger's vehicle.  A responsible adult would never ask a child for directions or any other question for that matter.
  • Make sure they know they have a right to say "no" to an adult, especially when the adult is asking them to do something they have been taught is wrong or feels uncomfortable.  Reminding children of this right is important because children are taught from a young age to respect adults.
  • To always tell parents where they will be and to never enter someone's home without their parent's permission.
  • If home alone, never admit it when answering the phone. Never answer a knock at the door or speak through it.  Adults can be very persuasive.  Teach your child to call you if there is a knock at the door and if they fear for their safety, teach them to call 911.  Make sure they know that police officers are there to help them and would not get mad if it were a false alarm.
  • If they think they are being followed or are in danger they should run home or to a public place.  If someone grabs them, they should try to get away, yelling and screaming while doing so.
  • It is important to play in safe areas, never take shortcuts and stick with a buddy whenever possible.

It is never too early or too late to teach children the importance of personal safety.  Common sense, communication and consistency are the keys. Remind children to alert a responsible adult if something strange happens that makes them feel uncomfortable. Remember, crime prevention is everyone's responsibility.

For more information on this subject, visit

October Newsletter

Please click on the following link for the October Newsletter.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September Newsletter

Welcome back and Bienvenue to another great year at Joseph A. Gibson!  

The Joseph A. Gibson Blog is a means of electronic communication that the school uses to keep our parent community informed.  Monthly newsletters and important school information will be posted here throughout the year.  When items have been posted, they will automatically be sent to your email between 5 and 7 pm that same day. We look forward to staying connected with you! 

Please click on the following link for the September Newsletter.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


French Immersion Orientation Evening Highlights

     Program Overview:
          Designed for students whose first language is not French
          In French Immersion, students learn French and also learn IN French.
          All subjects are taught in French as it is important that they acquire strong  French oral skills in order to learn to read, write and learn science, math, etc. in French.
          For the first few months of Grade 1, the children do not acquire skills identical to those learned by children in an English program as the focus is on building French literacy skills to support their learning in French.
          A blend of English and French is part of regular instruction from September to January
          In January, all instruction; teacher/student conversation and learning is only in French and students are expected to be able to express themselves in French
          Classes taught by teachers trained in second language instruction
          Grade 1-3: program is taught entirely in French

          Grade 4-8:  50% English instruction begins; Math taught in English

     First Few Months in French Immersion:
          The first month may be challenging and your child will experience some frustration.
          Monitor how your child is feeling about class and learning French.  Is he/she happy, sad, finding the program difficult?
          Speak regularly with the homeroom teacher to discuss your child’s progress
          Contact the teacher if you have any concerns.

          Joseph A. Gibson is a dual track French Immersion school housing only Grade 1 French Immersion students
          All Gr. 1 FI students will go to Julliard PS for Grade 2 to 8 French Immersion
          There are currently 4 Grade 1 French Immersion classes for September, 2016.

          Ensure that your child attends daily and punctually
          Avoid extended absences as this will greatly impact French language acquisition
          PLEASE CALL the school before 8:30 am to report that your child’s late or absence
          YRDSB Safe Arrival Program Procedure instructs that we must contact the POLICE if we are unable to confirm a child’s absence.
          To assist parents, there is an answering machine to record messages of lates and absences any time.

     Schedule of the Day:
          8:30 am – 3:00 pm
          Recess: 10:10 am – 10:40 am
          Lunch:  12:20 pm – 1:20 pm
          Supervision of students in the morning starts at 8:15 am and finishes at the end of the day at 3:15 pm

          French agendas will be on sale for all students in September
          Class communication from teachers may come in the form of Classroom Blogs, newsletters, phone calls or notes in the agenda
          School communication is through email blasts, monthly newsletters, letters, Welcome screen in the front hall, school website.

          Buses and stops are assigned by the Board’s central office
          Make sure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information.
          Check web site in August to see where your child’s bus stop will be. 
          Be at the stop 5-10 minutes before pick-up time
          Plan to attend the Bus Rider Safety Program in August
          Do not drive your child to school if at all possible. This creates an unsafe situation in front of the school and the safety of all our students is of the utmost importance.

Final Reminders:
          Ensure your child attends school punctually and every day.
          Monitor your child’s daily homework activities.
          Be involved by showing interest in your child’s new vocabulary, structures, songs and learn with your child.
          Review your child’s daily communication book and check your child’s bag nightly for handouts, notes and/or homework.
          Communicate regularly with your child’s teacher, regarding your child’s progress, especially in the first couple of months.
          Read to your child in your first language and in English; and talk about it together.
          Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities.
          Teach your child to accept responsibility for his/her actions.
          Ensure your child has indoor and outdoor shoes (Velcro shoes are best if your child is unable to tie their own shoes).
          Include a change of clothes in their backpack.
          Participate in school events and/or join our School Council.
          Volunteer at the school OR become a School Lunch Assistant

French Links:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Painting at Joseph A. Gibson P.S.

May 10, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Re: Scheduled Painting

Please be advised that our school is scheduled to have painting take place in the
near future. The painting of selected areas within the school has been tentatively scheduled to start on Monday, May 16, 2016 and will take a few weeks to complete.

The areas which will be painted are as follows:

  • Second floor hallway
  • First floor hallway
  • Front entrance

The paint used by the York Region District School Board is a water based (latex)
product. Individuals that are not hypersensitive to latex paint should suffer no ill
effects. Manufacturer Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) will be on site for your

Please contact the school if you require further information at (905) 832-1291.


Claudia Fischer

Monday, April 04, 2016

EQAO Sessions for Grade 3 and 6 Students

April 4, 2016

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Re: Upcoming EQAO Assessments

Between May 25 and June 8, your child will be taking part in the provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division (Grades 1–3) or Junior Division (Grades 4-6). This assessment is administered to all Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario’s publicly funded school system by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), an independent agency of the Government of Ontario. 

This assessment consists of two booklets assessing language and a third booklet assessing mathematics. Each booklet is made up of two sections, for a total of six sections. Each section will take about one hour to complete. The administration of the six sections will be spread out across the two-week window.

EQAO assessment questions are directly based on the expectations set out in The Ontario Curriculum, which is what teachers teach in the classroom every day. Therefore, your child does not need to prepare in any special way. Students will write the test in their regular classrooms with their regular teachers and are simply encouraged to do their best and show what they know.

In September, EQAO will send our school a report on your child’s achievement on the assessment, and we will send it home at that time. Your child’s results are private and will give you an indication of his or her achievement in relation to Ontario’s high provincial standard. The standard, or Level 3, represents the range from B– to B+. Meeting the standard means your child has a solid grasp of the required knowledge and skills, which is a good indication that he or she will be ready for the next grade. The results of the assessment do not affect your child’s grades or report card in any way. They do, however, give you information about your child’s progress to add to the overall picture.

You can use the information that EQAO assessment results provide about your child’s strengths and areas needing improvement to celebrate his or her progress. It can help you in discussions with teachers. We can use it as a school community, along with other information, to guide our school improvement initiatives for reading, writing and mathematics. This benefits not only your child but all the students in our school. The results are also used by our school board and the Ministry of Education to direct attention and resources where they are needed.

For more information about EQAO and to view a sample of its assessments, you are encouraged to visit


           Claudia Fischer


Gr. 1 French Immersion Orientation Session - May 19 th

April 1, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to invite you and your child to come to Joseph A Gibson PS on May 19 from 7 – 8 p.m. for a French Immersion orientation session. We will explain the procedures for the first day of school and give a short tour of the first floor of the school.  The children will be shown where the bus lets them off and where to line up.  We will make a brief presentation to parents in the gym and will also be available if you have any questions. Please RSVP to the school at (905)832-1291 to let us know whether or not you will be attending this session.

We have developed some learning resources for the incoming grade one students that we will hand out at the orientation. Also available is learning package which includes a CD and materials by Jacquot, a francophone entertainer whose songs are very popular with young French Immersion students (and their teachers). The cost of the learning package is $10.00 (a real bargain!) and I trust all of you will take advantage of this learning opportunity for your child.  The learning package will be available at the orientation session. ($10.00 payable by cash or please make cheque payable to JA Gibson PS).  If you cannot attend the orientation session and would like the learning resources and/or the learning package – please contact the office.  We would like all students to be familiar with the vocabulary and the songs presented in the learning package.

For your information, the school’s hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Most of our students are bussed and you will be able to access information about transportation toward the end of the summer on the web site  Please ensure that you have provided the correct information regarding daycare or after school arrangements: This is especially important for the first week of school, as the safety of your children is our primary concern. Please do not call the school about bussing issues as we do not have the information. Finally, if your child is a first time bus rider, I strongly encourage you to attend the training program offered by Student Transportation Services of York Region at the end of August (please check for information about date and location).

Feel free to contact the school if you have any questions.

I look forward to a productive partnership throughout your child’s grade 1 school year.

Bien à vous,

Claudia Fischer

April Newsletter

Click on the following link for the April Newsletter.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Our BEACH DAY Spirit Day has been changed to Friday, April 1, 2016.

SPRING PHOTO Day is on Tuesday, March 29, 2016.

Also, there is no school this Friday, March 25th and Monday, March 28th due to Easter Weekend.  

Enjoy the long weekend with friends and family!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Gibson Spirit Wear on Sale now!

Gibson Spirit wear on sale now.  Deadline for orders is February 13, 2016.  Sizes samples are available in the office.  

Click on the following link for an order form Gibson Spirit Wear on Sale Now!


The Gibson graduation committee met recently; and with input from our Grade 8 students, we have finalized the following date for this year’s Grade 8 Graduation:

is on
Thursday, June 23, 2016

More detailed information will follow closer to that date.  In preparation for this occasion, attached you will find some information about Maple’s Closet event dates held at Maple High School.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or your child’s teacher.


Additional Elementary and Secondary P.A. Days

As a result of provincial labour negotiations, a P.A. Day has been added for all York Region District School Board elementary schools on Friday, May 6, 2016 and secondary schools on Friday, June 3, 2016. You can see the full updated school year calendars on YRDSB’s website.

These additional P.A. Days are mandated by the Ministry of Education. On these dates, teachers will be taking part in professional development on provincial education priorities identified by the Ministry of Education. 

February Newsletter

Click on the following link for the February Newsletter.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Family Potluck - Thurs. Feb. 11, 2016

Family Potluck - February 11, 2016
6-8 p.m. 
Joseph A. Gibson 

We invite students and their immediate families to celebrate our diverse cultural community and to share in the positive spirit with a Family Potluck on Thursday February 11, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Joseph A. Gibson gym.

Bring in your favourite cultural dish to share, indicating all the ingredients (to inform those with food allergies). Please remember, no nuts or nut products are to be used in preparing the dish.
Paper plates, plastic utensils, napkins and assorted beverages will be provided. All children must be accompanied by their parent.

Come out for a fun event for all!

Please click on the following to RSVP -  Family Potluck Sign-up form

Grade 8 Graduation Photos


Grade 8 Graduation photos will be taken on the morning of Tuesday, January 26, 2016.

Dress your best and don't be late!

Information packages were sent home with all grade 8 students earlier this week.  Please check with your child.