Sunday, September 09, 2018

YRDSB's Safe and Caring Schools - Welcome Assemblies at Gibson 2018

Greetings families of Joseph A. Gibson P. S.

Last week, our students and staff engaged in conversations around caring, safe and inclusive school environments.  In a school assembly, we discussed the elements of a Caring and Safe School that would support the academic achievement and well-being of all students, including:

     Demonstrating positive character attributes (such as empathy, courage and respect for human rights and inclusivity)
     School and Board expectations
     What happens in situations of discipline
     Standing up for each other in bullying situations, including methods of reporting incidents of bullying:
   Tell a caring adult
   Use the YRDSB’s “Report It Button” (located on our school website)
   Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)

For more details on each of these items, please read the YRDSB Start-Up Guide that will be forwarded to our families as soon as they arrive.

You can also visit the YRDSB’s Caring and Safe Schools website for details and resources for families to continue the conversation.
Thank you for supporting our safe, positive and inclusive school community.


Claudia Fischer