Friday, November 16, 2018

Gibson Weekly Update for week of Nov. 26th

November is a very busy month and I wanted to highlight some school-based items in place over the next few weeks.

Student Led Conferences

The Student Led Conference schedule is open on Edsby and will remain open until the end of the day on Wednesday, November 21st.  Please ensure that you have booked your conference time by then.  If you are having difficulty booking a timeslot, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or the office and we will be happy to assist you.

If you have yet to activated your account on Edsby, please contact the office and they will assist you in setting up your account.

Every Child Counts Survey

All Kindergarten to Grade 6 students received a student specific coded letter inviting families to complete the Every Child Counts Survey on-line.  Families are encouraged to complete the survey at home by November 30th.  If your child is in Grade 7 or Grade 8, students will be completing the survey on-line at the school.  Thank you, in advance, for your participation.

Dress for the Weather

All our students will be expected to be outside before, during and after school and therefore, need to come to school dressed to play outside during recesses.  Boots (for rain or snow), rain jackets, hats, mitts, scarves and snow pants will help make recess an enjoyable time.  It is advisable for children to keep extra pants and socks at school in case they get wet.   To avoid confusion in the classroom and adding to our clothing collection in the Lost and Found Bin, please be sure to label all articles of clothing with your child’s name.

Bus Cancellations and Inclement Weather Days

To ensure the safety of students, school bus service may be cancelled due to inclement weather, extreme temperatures and/or poor road conditions.  In these cases, parents and students should develop alternate care/transportation arrangements.

  • A decision to cancel school bus service will be region-wide meaning all school buses, vans and taxis will not operate.  Both the YRDSB and YCDSB operate many regional educational programs.  Students attending these programs are transported over large attendance areas encompassing several municipal boundaries which prevents the ability to cancel bus service using a municipality or zone methodology.   
  • When bus service is cancelled all school tests and/or examinations will be cancelled and rescheduled.
  • Student trips involving the use of school buses will also be cancelled.
  • Unless otherwise stated, schools will remain open and parents can make arrangements to transport their children to and from school even if school bus service is cancelled.  If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Therefore, students transported to school by parents will require the same transportation home.

A bus cancellation message will be available at, by calling 1-877-330-3001, or by following @YRDSB and @YCDSB on Twitter.

Parents, students and school staff may also access the following radio and television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation information:

590 AM           640 AM           680 AM           860 AM           1010 AM            1050 AM
1540 AM         1580 AM         88.5 FM           89.9 FM           92.5 FM            93.1 FM
94.9 FM           95.9 FM           97.3 FM           98.1 FM           99.1 FM            99.9 FM          
101.1 FM         102.1 FM         104.5 FM         100.7 FM         105.9               107.1 FM

CITY TV     CTV Barrie     CTV Toronto     CP24     GLOBAL NEWS

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Student Led Conferences - Nov. 22 and Nov. 23

RE:  Student Led Conferences – Nov. 22 and Nov. 23rd

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Progress Report Cards will be going home on November 20, 2018 and this year, instead of the traditional Parent/Teacher Interviews, our school will be conducting Student-Led Conferences for all students from Senior Kindergarten to Grade 8. 

Student-led conferencing is a celebration of the students’ success to date where the student assumes an active role in the planning and conducting of the conference.  During the conference, your son/daughter will share selections of their work, reflections of their learning to date and goals they have set for themselves for the term. Teachers will be available as a resource to answer any questions and observe the sharing of information in the simultaneous conferences between students and their parents. With student-led conferencing, we are empowering the students to take ownership for their own learning progress and to report this progress to their parents/guardians.

Student-Led Conferences will take place on the afternoon/evening of Thursday, November 22, 2018 and the morning of Friday, November 23, 2018.  Families will be invited to book a time with their child’s homeroom teacher through Edsby beginning on Monday, November 12, 2018. All families will receive an email when the schedule is open. If you are having difficulty scheduling your conference, please contact your child’s teacher directly, so that they can co-ordinate a time for you. 

Special Education, French, Music and other subject area teachers will also be available on these dates.  If you need to speak to any of these teachers regarding your child’s progress, please contact them directly.

We look forward to meeting with you and your child on conference night!


C. Fischer

Thursday, November 01, 2018

November 2018 Newsletter

Click here for the November Newsletter.

Just a reminder to all our Gibson families.....

The last posting on the Gibson Blog will take place on Dec. 21, 2018.  All school updates and newsletters will be posted on EDSBY starting January, 2019.  If you need any assistance setting up your EDSBY account, please contact the office.  

Thank you.

C. Fischer