Monday, October 02, 2017

INVEST-IN-STUDENTS Donation Drive Campaign Begins Today!

Dear Gibson Families,

Our annual Invest-in-Students Donation Drive campaign begins today and we have already reached our first two school-wide incentives - Lollipop Day and No Homework Day!  We are hoping to reach $5000 this year and are halfway there.  Thank you to all our families who have already donated through the donation drive form in the Book of Forms!  You have helped kick start our official launch!  Please see below for more information or you can review the pink forms that went home today with your child.


The Invest-in-Students Donation Drive is a one-time donation put towards enriching the educational experiences for all of the students at Joseph A. Gibson Public School.

  • ·                    to focus on ONE major fundraising effort to enrich the experiences of our children
  • ·                   no need to sell chocolate, wrapping paper, cookie dough, etc. door-to-door where only a percentage of the money collected comes to the school.  

Monday, October 2, 2017 to Friday, November 4, 2017


·       Log in to School Cash On-line at  Click on Make a Donation under Gift Information – select the amount you would like to donate and then select Joseph A. Gibson P.S. as your Fund Destination.  Click Add to Cart and then proceed to make the payment.  Charitable donation tax receipts available.

All money donated will be spent on enriching the educational experiences for all of the students during the 2017-18 year. Please consider making a voluntary contribution that will  be used towards enhancing the following programs: 

Technology Enhancements  Eg. laptop computers, media carts, Chromebooks, iPads, 
speakers, etc.
Music and Arts Enhancements Eg. Instruments; specialized art/music activities 
(guest artists), trips, choirs, bands, music events, transportation to events;
Physical Education and Healthy Active Schools Enhancements
Eg. Supply teachers for coaches attending tournaments & meets; special physical activity 
events, specialty gym equipment and supplies; mental health initiatives
Library Program Enhancements Eg. Author visits, Silver Birch/Red Maple reading 
Curriculum Enhancements : Items that support the School Improvement Plan

NOTE:  The School Council may lead other fundraisers throughout the year such as cookie and pizza days to further support program enhancement. As well, throughout the year, separate fundraisers for non-profit organizations may be supported by the school (Terry Fox, Jump Rope for Heart, etc). These monies are forwarded directly to the charity. Our donation drive is in accordance with the Student Fees Policy #671

Thank you for your consideration, support and generosity in brightening our children’s future.   We thank you in advance for your support!